Emergency Dental Care

Whether an accident happens during our normal business hours or not, know that you can call us and have your child treated promptly.

Proactive Steps to

Avoid Dental Emergencies

It’s essential to consistently take preventive measures.

Boy athlete Using Mouth Guard
Wear a Mouth Guard for Sports

Use a mouth guard to protect yourself, particularly if it is a contact sport like basketball, soccer, and football, or any sport that involves a ball. Mouth guards can help prevent serious mouth injuries, including bleeding gums and chipped or knocked-out teeth.

A close up of a person holding a clear brace in their mouth.
Eat carefully and wisely

Although teeth are strong, you can still crack or chip a tooth by eating hard candy that is meant to be sucked on or chewing ice (a big no-no in dentistry). Use caution when biting down on these products or consider avoiding them altogether to prevent dental damage.

A woman is getting her teeth examined by a dentist.
Avoid chewing on items that are not edible

Many patients have oral tendencies, such as biting their nails or chewing on pens. This can cause cracks or chips in their teeth. Chewing ice (a big no-no in dentistry) or biting down on hard candies that should be dissolved rather than chewed can also lead to dental damage. Swap these items for sugarless chewing gum, a product that stimulates saliva production and cleanses bacteria.